
1st ticket fight in Canada

I have ticket last year, when I merged to highway, the car before me was very slow around 10km/h, I by passed it then stopped by TWO polices ! that's why the car was such slow since he saw them!

After stopped by two men, one wrote ticket to me, another busying to stop 2-3 cars following me in few minutes, you can image no one really aware the solid line in the corner area when merging to highway, there is very long solid line there.

I got $300 fine and 3 points ticket, I decided to fight this ticket this time even I don't know what is point I can fight, in fact I have to do something at least I don't want to lose 3 points.

My court date was Aug 9, 2012, there was another famous court event in China at same day. When I sit in court, little bit nervous at beginning, I felt good when I saw many ticket cases had been processed one by one before me. There were few cases presented by lawyer, so took long time in the court discussion, judge asked recess, the lady officer said is there anyone want to negotiate with her? There was a senior lady asked to waive points with her but got refused. The man beside me said usually cannot negotiate point, only on fine amount in the court.  When it is my turn,  I still asked if it is possible to waive points and reduce fine, she said yes to waive 3 points and reduce to $200, thanks God ! that's just what I want, believed this is best result even go through court discussion.

My lesson, it is always good option fighting with ticket, don't directly pay without discussion.