How to export markdown from Xmind8 for free?
XMind is my favorite mind mapping tool, it is good for brainstorm for new project, new idea, new plan and starting point for further writing of new blog, article even book, pretty much everything, if you want to logically organize them, to make sure the right direction and whole picture in mind.
How to fix compaq laptop suddenly shutdown
It is really painful this compaq laptop V2000 suddenly shutdown, it looks like overheat protection by design, but no idea at all how to solve this problem.
My first markdown on old Sony Xperia
Here is 1st md on my old Sony Xperia using iA Writer on google drive.
markdown on the way
Thinking about markdown apps on mobile device, android smartphone and ipad.
What is cloud technology?
She is an artist, doesn't like computer too much but asked me what is cloud technology days ago, it is really not easy to answer it in plain.
New Concept for Promoting New Condo
Passing by one modem condo showroom in downtown, very impressed by current new concept for promoting new condo.
There are two ways going to multimedia service today: IMS or OTT.
Disabled comment feature
I really don't know where is energy from for the guys leaving junk comments?
Chinese input for Win7
You cannot image how bad experience for default Chinese quanpin input in Win7,
indigo bookstore wifi
It sounds good to have free wifi in all Indigo bookstore, not just in starbucks cafe area before.